Blinking Led – Delay

  1. What this example do?
  2. How I must configure my ORbit16™ to work with this example?
  3. Where I can learn more about this?
  4. Download this example!

What this example do?

This example will flash the led L2 on your ORbit16™ with a period of 500mS (2Hz).  In other words, the led will stay 250mS ON and 250mS OFF. This result is achieved using the Delay Routines already included with your MPLAB C30 installation.

How I must configure my ORbit16™ to work with this example?

Nothing to configure. Only remember to set the jumper for USB in device mode in order to make bootloader work.

Where I can learn more about this?

My advice is to read the following free documents:

  • 16-Bit Language Tools Libraries (english language)
    This is a PDF you’ve got with MPLAB C30 installation. Usually this document is located in the following folder:

    C:\Program files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\docs

    Reading document this will give you extra skills in the usage of other delays functions other than the __delay_ms() function used in this example.

  • Routine di delay su dsPIC/PIC24 (italian language)
    This article talks about delay routines. Is located here. You can translate this page using Google Translate, but beware of the translation since Google translates the code too!

Download this example!

Blinking Led - Delay (382 downloads)