This project allows to make a very beautiful and useful table calendar with following features:
- Date with day of the week
- Time
- Ambient temperature
- Saint of the day
- Waste separation indication
- use of internal RTCC of PIC24FJ64GB002
- Date/time settings with 3 buttons (set, up, down)
Project use an LCD HD44780 compatible, 4 rows x 20 columns, driven through a PCF8574 IO expander (please follow documents about this).
Schematic is very simple:
Temperature is obtained from a classical LM35 analog temperature sensor. PushButtons are read through 3 IOs using internal pullup resistors.
Following video shows how date/time setup is made:
The list of the Saint is loaded in the flash memory of pic24fj64gb002. You must edit the source code if you want to change the waste separation indications or you want to change the Saint list with your own list of Birthdays/anniversaries etc. Code will do automatic calculation for the Easter.
For using this project you must mount the 32,768KHz crystal (Q2) and C12/C13. Please Follow the user manual. Project uses the bootloader.