USB CDC stack Open Source by Dangerous Prototypes

  1. What this example do?
  2. How I must configure my ORbit16™ to work with this example?
  3. Where I can learn more about this?
  4. Download this example!

What this example do?

In this example we’ll use the Open Source USB CDC Stack from Dangerous Prototypes. ORbit16™ will be recognized as a new virtual COM port (COMx). Open a terminal program (such as HyperTerminal, Teraterm and so on), connect to the virtual COM port, type something on the keyboard, chars will be echoed back. By pressing ‘a’ (lower A), led DL2 on board will turn on, by pressing ‘b’ (lower B), led will turn off.

Special thanks to user Hexapod for porting and testing the library on ORbit16™

How I must configure my ORbit16™ to work with this example?

Nothing to configure

Where I can learn more about this?

Open Source USB Stack by Dangerous Prototypes

Download this example!

USB CDC with Dangerous Prototypes Open Source USB stack (286 downloads)